Current Articles
“Nun bist du dran”
Anna Schreier - “Nun bist du dran:” The Inscription of the Viewer in Wim Wenders’s Der Himmel über Berlin
You’ve Got a Friend in Me
Celia Vander Ploeg Fallon - You’ve Got a Friend in Me: Negotiating Difference and Modes of Contact in Fatih Akın’s Auf der anderen Seite
The Concept of Family in NS-Children Propaganda
Siobhan Chawk - The Concept of Family in NS-Children Propaganda: A Report from the Archive
Hanne Wassermann-Walker on Fitness, Form & Fashion
Lea Lassen - Hanne Wassermann-Walker on Fitness, Form & Fashion
[Special Issue] Maskulinität in der Zeitgenössischen Literatur
Owen Meunier - Maskulinität in der Zeitgenössischen Literatur. Männerfiguren und Satire in Johanna Adoráns Ciao (2021)
[Special Issue] Eine kritische Untersuchung der hegemonialen Maskulinität
Chelsea Lahaie - Eine kritische Untersuchung der hegemonialen Maskulinität in Johanna Adorjáns Ciao (2021)
[Special Issue] Dialogue between Gatte and Dirne
Kyle Foster - Dialogue Between Gatte and Dirne
[Special Issue] Die verkleidete Soldatin und das Stubenmädchen
Devoney Ellis - Die verkleidete Soldatin und das Stubenmädchen
[Special Issue] “I’m looking at myself in pictures”
Alex Rana - “I’m looking at myself in pictures”: The Female Gaze in The Artificial Silk Girl (1932)
[Special Issue] The 19th Century Sex Industry
Grace Hall - The 19th Century Sex Industry: Prostitution as Represented in Reigen (1903) and Das kunstseidene Mädchen (1932)
[Special Issue] Constructions of Femininity
Hailey Glassford - Constructions of Femininity in Lou Andreas-Salome’s Fenitschka (1898)
[Special Issue] The Mask of Masculinity
Liam Foster - The Mask of Masculinity: Investigating Arthur Schnitzler’s Portrayals of Manhood
[Special Issue] Introduction
Daniela Roth and Lars Richter - Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender and Sexuality in German Literature
Verlangen, Freundschaft und mütterliche Liebe
Samantha Allman - Verlangen, Freundschaft und mütterliche Liebe im Märchen “Prinzesschen” von Marie von Olfers
Lessons From Post-Soviet Union Berlin
Silas Sabado McClung - “Lessons from Post-Soviet Union Berlin: Monuments, Memorials, and Narratives Fueling President Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine”
Gunther von Hagens and the Ethics of Body Worlds
Melanie St. Clair - “Gunther von Hagens and the Ethics of Body Worlds.”
Outsider - Ausländer in der Gesellschaft
Samantha Thibodeaux-Endesfelder - “Outsider - Ausländer in der Gesellschaft.”